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Our Students

Please take a moment to read what some of our present Scholarship Students have to say about how the CGWEF scholarship program has been of benefit to them. It is sad beyond belief how many fathers walk away from their children, or how many children are orphaned for a variety of different reasons. Our students have been referred to us through many different means. Some have found us online in their search, and have begged us to accept them as education candidates. For the younger children, friends of friends have recommended them to us to consider. There is much criteria to sort through in order to determine who we can help, and who we can’t.

Most of our students call John either Papa or Dad, (since they have none), and almost all call me Mum, which is a term reserved for those who are given much respect. I love and appreciate that very much.

I speak with many of my students on an almost weekly basis and frequently and am personally involved with helping them with their issues or simply offering a friendly shoulder for support. We made a trip to Ethiopia to personally help one of our students, whom you will meet shortly, with his Visa application. They all tell me frequently that without our help they would be in a hopeless situation.

Cyril C., Zimbabwe (orphan)

Actuarial Sciences

(Cyril was our first African student and was chosen by his caretakers at the orphanage as having the most potential to succeed.

During my undergraduate and honors years at Wits university, I was able to concentrate fully on my studies because Nicki and John paid for food, accommodation, school fees and tuition. When I struggled with academics they helped with a private tutor. I will forever be grateful.

The education I received has made me employable and has given me a gift that no one can take away. It has opened my eyes to life and the world and has helped me think and process information better. I was able to continue my toward my Masters and PhD. I have a scientific paper written and on its way to publication, and a scientific book chapter. I was able to further my actuarial studies and now work as a data scientist. It has opened opportunities that I had never imagined.

I believe education is the best inheritance that one can give. I thank you for providing me with the opportunity and the privilege of education. My life completely changed from where I thought I would be to where I am now. Through you, God worked wonders.

Thank you!

Cyril C. Successful Collins Geigert World Eductation Foundation student

Billy L., Kenya (fatherless)

Geospatial Engineering

Update 2023, October: Billy has graduated in Geo-spacial Engineering and is currently looking for work in that field. He has sent over 30 applications to places all over Kenya to use his expertise.

I sincerely thank you for your generous support of my studies at the University of Nairobi. Before I received this amazing sponsorship, I had no hope and only a negative perspective of ever getting any further education. I struggled to make ends meet and I could not afford engineering textbooks. I was trying to work and then go to university one month at a time, but it became futile to raise the necessary fees and be able to study.


When I received hope, a shoulder to lean on, and assurance from mum and dad— Nicki and John— I couldn't believe it. I can now comfortably go to university without struggling for basic needs and my school fees.


This Foundation has brought much success to my life and enabled my path to become an engineer which also will help my entire society. Thank you for your concern, love, kindness and care. Your generosity will forever be our legacy.


The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17, Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.


Yours sincerely,


Billy L, Geospacial Engineering CGWEF student

Adane W., Ethiopia (orphan)

Hotel Management and Tourism

Adane wants to become a nurse, but needs to be able to come to the USA. Although accepted in a college in southern CA, the US Embassy in Ethiopia refuses 99% of all visa applicants.

Update 2023, October: Adane is working as an apprentice for a tourism company.

“I would not become the person I am today if the foundation wasn’t with me. I thought very highly of education from the beginning, but did not have any means of getting past grade 10 in secondary school.


Through the Collins Geigert World Education Foundation, I was able to go to trade school in Hotel Management. Then, when the world shutting down for COVID and there were no jobs open in any hotels anywhere I was then given the opportunity to continue in Tourism.


I have passed my exams and accomplished a lot in the past years and the educational programs I attended have helped me very much. I am now working in the tourism business until I can get a visa to come to the US to study nursing and environmental health, which is greatly needed in my country.”

Thank you!

Adane, CG World Education student
Collins Geigert World Education Foundation student David L.

David L., Kenya (married with 2 children, poverty level)

Theological Studies, Pastor

Update 2023, October: David has a wife and two children to care for, along with going to seminary full time, and pastoring at a new church that he started. He first met his wife under a tree, together they sat on a rock to listen to the message. They now have a tin-roof house to keep out of the beating rays of the sun, as well as keep out the rain. Because everyone in the village is very poor there are no collections of offerings. This means that David must also supply his family's needs. His wife does much of the work. They have switched to raising chickens from owning a butchery, which did not pay much. It did encounter robbers, who on one occasion shot off a gun with a bullet that went through one wall and rococheted off another that came back toward his wife and baby. They were terrified. They have never recouped the $300 plus the freezer full of meat. In the Samburu tripe that is a lot of money to lose to theft

“I so appreciate the opportunity to say thanks to the Collins Geigert Foundation for their unlimited support towards my education life. The foundation has really brought a great positive impact to my life, my dreams of becoming an inspiring preacher and explore the world through preaching the word of God. I have almost completed my studies which has been my entire life’s goal and anticipation. I have been blessed to be a grant recipient.”

Yvonne N., Kenya (fatherless)

Level 10, Secondary school

Update 2023, October: Yvonne, Shadia's older sister, is graduating from Secondary School in November. Her grades are very good and she wants to continue on to University, but is not yet sure what field.

“I would like to show my gratitude for this opportunity that the Collins Geigert Foundation has granted to me. It has really changed my life and I can now afford to smile.


Without the education I am now getting, I would probably be a prostitute, like my mother, with kids in my own town. I promise to work hard, get good grades for university, get a good job and build a house for my mother and help others who may be in a similar situation as me.”

Collins Geigert World Eduction Foundation donation student Yvonne N.

We are so proud of our Yvonne and her good grades!

CG World Eductation student Shadia T.

Shadia T., Kenya (fatherless)

Age 8, Primary school, Grade 2

Update 2023, October: Shadia is now in grade 3. She was put into a boarding school because her mother was neglecting her. The mother has now given up prostitution, has married and is living in a decent house. Shadia loves her boarding school and is learning very well now.

(As told to her caretaker) 

I was always being moved from one place to another. I had no real home. My Mum always gives me to other people to watch. They were very mean. I ran away. I am very happy to finally be in school.

Adan C., Kenya (fatherless)

Supply Chain Management, University, Sophomore

Update 2023, October: Adan will be graduating in Supply Chain Management in November, 2024. He is keenly interested in working with NGO groups to determine the food needs of starving people and groups in Africa. Along with food comes medical and clothing needs. If anyone is working with an NGO please send your information to be made available to Adan. He is a bight young man who is a very hard worker andd has a heart for th unfortunate. He has only his mother who has two other boys she is raising and tends to be unwell much of the time.

I feel very honored and blessed to be a recipient of the education I am getting from the Collins Geigert World Education Foundation. If I had not been given this education opportunity, I would have even more serious health problems. My greatest passion in life has been to pursue a higher degree in my field of study. This would have never been possible without the educational support of this nonprofit. I have waited and prayed for many years to be able to further my education. And I am truly blessed that you showed up to help me attain one of my greatest dreams.

With much thanks,


Adan C. Successful CGWorldEducation student
Collins Geigert World Education Foundation student Nellie K.

Nellie K., Kenya

Just passed Primary exams and is now able to move on to Secondary school

Update 2023, October: Nellie is in her first year of secondary school and doing well.

Dear John and Nicki,

First and foremost I would like to thank the Collins Geigert Education Foundation for helping me to pass my exams and graduate to Secondary school. My parents both lost their jobs during the COVID shutdown. My Dad could not even afford to buy food or clothes for us. This put stress on my sister and me and was hard for me to focus on my exams. I no longer have that stress about my dad having enough money to pay for Stacey and my schooling.

It has been such a great honor from God, for He has blessed us when He brought you guys into our lives. All I can say is thank you and thank God for all you have done for us through the Foundation. You are doing so much for so many and deserve a lot of appreciation. 

Thank you,

Nellie K.

Stacie K., Kenya


Stacie is our second successful graduate with plans to become a flight attendant.

CG World Education charity donation student Livingstone M

Livingstone M., Kenya (orphan, mother died recently from snake bite)

Digital Design, University level sophomore

Update 2023, October: Livingstone is in his last year of Media and Advertising. He will graduate in March. He is an orphan and has only his Aunt.

I take this time to sincerely appreciate the entire Nicki Geigert family for the kind help that I receive from them during  studies. I want to thank all who responded to my requests whenever I needed help, be it financially or with advice and guidance.

I am particularly glad that have completed my first year of my dream with the help this foundation. I hope to make a difference in my field in my home country, and that my efforts will be felt in other regions where ambitious students struggle with acute financial needs. Now as continue my second year I will have in mind that this would not have come without the help of Nicki Geigert Organization.

To all fellow beneficiaries, let's combine our efforts to reciprocate and forward our help to students who are now in the position we were in before the great help of Nicki Geigert Foundation.

May God abundantly bless you.

Annia H., Kenya (orphan)

Secondary school, Grade 10

Update 2023, October: Annia is doing well in school and graduates from secondary school in November. She wants to continue on to University in the field of either Law or Medicine.

I hope you are fine in Jesus name. May I once again take the opportunity to thank Nicki foundation for sponsoring my education. I have a smile on my face when I think of how the foundation has revived my hopes which were lost when I was told that I had to find a way to go to school or my uncles would marry me to some old man. I am only 14 years and that was terrifying and I had lost all hope.


Jesus sent you to rescue me. I promise to learn hard as I am doing now so that when I grow up I will be a lawyer to advocate for girl child safety from my small community.


Thank you both.

CGWEF donation help for eduction student Annia H
CGWorldEduction charity student Sundowner L

Sundowner L., Kenya (orphan)

Secondary school, Level 2 (Sophomore)

Update 2023, October: Sundowner is graduating from Secondary School in November but will not be continuing on to University.

Dear Nicki and John,

As a recipient of Collins Geigert World Education Foundation, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support towards my education. I would not have come this far. I apologize for getting bad grades. I have been trying, but I have not done well. I have been having a lot of pain in my heart since losing my mother and brother. I wonder why death has been so sudden to my family. It has been hard to concentrate. I am sorry for letting you down. I promise to work harder and achieve great marks in the coming exams. Once again, thank you for your generous gift. Your support will go a long way in achieving my education and career goals.


Your loving son,

Stephen L., Kenya (Orphan)

Primary school, Grade 6

(Stephen was a goat-herder boy up until he was 12. He had not been to school and had not wanted to go, so his mother let him stay back. When he finally decided that he wanted to, he started in grade 3, and then within 6 months he was moved to grade 4. He is now 16 years old. He started school in the local village school, but when his mother was killed in a car accident this past year he had to switch schools and went to live with his mother's sister. Because students seem to get distracted with other things, we have told all of our primary and secondary students that for every A grade they return on their quarterly report card, they will receive $10. So far, Stephen is the only one out of 8 students to have gotten 3 A grades.)

Update 2023, October: Stephen is one of our best students with almost straight As. He is entering grade 7 in January and will be starting boarding school at that time.

I am Stephen L. I take this opportunity to thank the Collins Geigert World Education Foundation for offering me this scholarship to pay my school fees and to ensure that I have all of my uniform and book requirements for school.  This education has changed my life. I have learned how to read and write both in Kiswahili and in English, hence I can communicate well with other people.  For my part, I will return good results to you.

CG World Education student Stephen in his best Scout uniform
Collins Geigert World Education Foundation student Vincent L.jpg

Vincent L., Kenya (orphan)

Secondary school, Level 2 (Sophomore)

Update 2023, October: Vincent is graduating from Secondary School in November is is not sure what he wants to do.

Dear mum and papa,

I would like to thank the Foundation.  It has really helped me a lot.  Since I was never sent home for lack of school fees, I was able to attend my lessons without any distraction or stress.  I am happy about that, and very comfortable at school.  I am very grateful to the foundation.

Yours faithfully,



A new student for the Collins Geigert World Education Foundation as of 2023

Update 2023, October: Silvana has been studying English for the past year and can finally sopeak and write it. She is married and has a little girl and is the sister of Stephen and Sundowner.

Silvana is a new student to the Collins Geigert World Education Foundation.jpeg

Student Gallery

Please help CG World Education Foundation provide students with these life-changing opportunities by making a tax deductible donation today. Donations may be made through our secure form or personal check.

Thank you for giving

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